Get Involved with the NYSPCC

There are several ways you can give to the NYSPCC. Read below to find out how you can give today!

We are often asked, “How can I help the NYSPCC?”

There are many ways to become involved in our work, but the best way you can help is by starting right in your own community. We need caring people to spread awareness about the importance of child protection, then help raise the funds needed to support our direct-service programs.

Whether it’s planning a fundraiser on our behalf, attending one of our events, collecting toys around the holidays for the children we serve, or pausing the next time you read a news story about a vulnerable child to think about how you can help protect the children you see day to day. Each and every action will help us move closer to our goal of ending child abuse and neglect, and strengthening families.

✓ Make a fully tax-deductible gift today.

✓ Start by liking us on Facebook.

If you a see a post or article on here that you feel passionate about, share it to your own page!

✓ Then, sign up to receive our bi-annual E-Newsletter

✓ Plan a fundraiser in your community. For ideas, visit our Volunteer page.

✓ Schedule a Safe Touches child sexual abuse prevention workshop for your child’s classroom.

✓ Attend one of our many Special Events throughout the year.

✓ Shop online through Amazon Smile and select The NYSPCC as your beneficiary.

✓ Work Here

We hire dedicated and talented professionals to help us keep children in New York City safe. See the current jobs we have open.