Ways to Give

There are several ways that you can give to The NYSPCC. Read below to find out some of the options we offer.

Make a Single Monetary Donation

You can make a one-time monetary donation online simply by clicking HERE. Or, if you prefer, you can make your donation: over the phone at (212) 223-5500 ext. 229, or through the mail at 520 Eighth Ave, Suite 1401, New York, NY 10018.


Give Through A Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Donor Advised Funds

Help support the NYSPCC mission by donating via your existing Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or creating your own philanthropic legacy through a newly established DAF. A DAF allows you to combine favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support the NYSPCC or your other favorite charities.

What are the main advantages of a donor-advised fund?

  • Simplicity: the donor-advised fund sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts.
  • Flexibility: timing of your tax deduction can be separate from your charitable decision-making.
  • Tax-efficiency: contributions are tax-deductible, and any investment growth in the DAF is tax-free. It is also easy to donate long-term appreciated securities, eliminating capital gains taxes.
  • Family legacy: a DAF is a powerful way to build or continue a tradition of family philanthropy.
  • No transaction fees: once approved, 100% of your recommended grant goes to the NYSPCC.

Make a Monthly Monetary Donation

Monthly giving allows the NYSPCC to plan in advance, and therefore to more efficiently protect the safety of children and help vulnerable families. You can easily sign up for monthly payments online HERE and select Monthly under your monetary selection.

Contact Jennifer Marchini, or jmarchini@nyspccdev.munroe.com, for any questions.

Corporate Sponsorships

Donate Cryptocurrency

The NYSPCC accepts multiple cryptocurrencies – click HERE to learn what we accept and how to donate with cryptocurrency today!

More Ways to Give

Memorial Gifts

Honor the life and legacy of a loved one with your heartfelt gift. Children and adults alike want to enjoy more of life’s precious moments and experience the wonder we hope each tomorrow holds—one reason why losing a loved one can be so difficult. Please accept our condolences and consider honoring the memory of your loved one with a donation to the NYSPCC. Click here to donate in honor/memory of a loved one.

Planned Giving

We are always honored to receive cash donations but there are so many additional ways you can benefit the NYSPCC: You can add us to your Will or Trust and you can make gifts to the NYSPCC from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) or Private Foundation. You can donate appreciated stock, bonds or mutual funds, and you can even name the NYSPCC as a designated beneficiary on your Life Insurance policies or retirement accounts.

We are able to accept more complex assets and help with more involved planning as well, including accepting donations of Real Estate and Charitable Lead and Remainder Trusts, to name a few. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call and we will walk you through all of the options. For more information please contact Jennifer Marchini, or jmarchini@nyspccdev.munroe.com, for any questions.

Your Will

This type of gift takes only a simple designation in your will and does not affect your cash flow during your lifetime, and it is easy to revoke if your situation changes.

A bequest is right for you if:

  • You want to help ensure the NYSPCC’s future viability and strength.
  • Long-term planning is more important to you than an immediate income-tax deduction or the estate tax charitable deduction is particularly valuable to you.
  • You want the flexibility of a gift commitment that doesn’t affect your current cash flow.

Your bequest to support our mission should be thoughtfully planned. Many good planning techniques are available, and you should choose the type of bequest that best suits your personal objectives. For example, your bequest can be a stated dollar amount, or you can bequeath specific property to our organization. Some of our friends prefer to bequeath a certain percentage of the remainder of their estate — the amount that remains after paying all debts, costs, and other prior legacies.

Whichever form you prefer, you can direct that your bequest be used for the general support of our work or for a specific purpose you designate. Whatever your objectives, we will be happy to work with you in planning a bequest that will be satisfying, economical and effective in carrying out your wishes in our important mission.


How it works

  • You transfer appreciated stock, bonds or mutual fund shares to the NYSPCC. Under current income tax rules, it is generally more impactful to your personal income tax situation for you to donate shares you have owned for one year or more to the NYSPCC, however we are able to accept shares owned for any length of time.
  • The NYSPCC sells your securities and uses the proceeds to support its mission, or to support the program you wish to gift with your support.

A gift of appreciated securities is for you if:

  • You’re holding stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares that have increased in value.
  • You want to diversify your assets while minimizing capital gains taxes that would result from a sale.

Combined Federal Campaign

If you’re a federal employee, you can make the NYSPCC your charity of choice in the Combined Federal Campaign. Ask your employer for more information on this.


IRA Charitable Rollover

Use your traditional IRA as a simple way to reduce your tax liability and make your charitable gifts.

Additional Ways to Support the NYSPCC

In addition to financial donations, there are numerous other ways you can support The NYSPCC and our clients. Consider planning a toy drive during the holidays, organizing a clothing or school supply drive, asking your company to make a corporate matching gift, following or posting about us on social media, organizing  ‘friendraisers’ where an NYSPCC representative speaks to your group about the work we do and invites them to be advocates of our work.

To learn more about these and any of the other ways to give, contact Jennifer Marchini, or jmarchini@nyspccdev.munroe.com, for any questions.

Donate Today!

Donating $5,000 provides six months of Therapeutic Supervised Visitation services, including family counseling and education, to help a vulnerable family develop healthy, nurturing relationships.
